Agape Bathrooms

In-Out, the bathtub with a round footprint in solid surface, marble, or Cemento, featuring a strong personality. The elementary geometry makes the In-Out tub extremely versatile in the most diverse architectural situations. The taps can be positioned on the wall or on the floor.



In-Out freestanding

In-Out - Bathtub in concrete or Petit Granit
In-Out - Bathtub in solid surface
Certifications: CE



Benedini Associati

Benedini Associati was established in 1999 as a spin-off of the Benedini & Partners architecture firm. The main themes are interior design and architecture. It includes Bibi, Camilla, Giampaolo Benedini. Since 2013 Camilla decides to continue an independent professional path for the design of commercial and museum installations.

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Awards and acknowledgments

The Best Soak, Wallpaper Design Awards 2016

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