Agape Bathrooms

Nivis, from the Latin Nix/snow: symbol for excellence of purity and sinuosity, the same sensations that arise when observing this elegant washbasin and touching its material - Cristalplant® biobased - just as silky and white. The two internal concavities allow the elegant flow of water from large to small which acts as an overflow. Nivis is also available in marble and in different versions: wall mounted, freestanding or top mounted.



Nivis column

Nivis - Column washbasin designed for wall drainage
Certifications: CSA
Nivis - Column washbasin designed for floor drainage
Certifications: CSA

Nivis over countertop

Nivis - Over countertop washbasin in white Cristalplant® biobased without tape hole
Nivis - Over countertop washbasin in marble with tap hole
Nivis - Over countertop washbasin in white Cristalplant® biobased without tape hole
Nivis - Over countertop washbasin in marble with tap hole



Andrea Morgante (Shiro Studio) - Shiro Studio

Shiro Studio is a London based design practice established by Andrea Morgante in 2009, committed to the creation of unique architecture and objects. Omnidirectional research across many disciplines feeds the studio's ethos, "making the invisible tangible". Anatomy, aeronautics, meteorology, botany, sculpture and digital fabrication are recurrent trajectories of investigation that permeate the studio's visual language and design process. 

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Awards and acknowledgments

Selection ADI Design Index 2012

Honorable Mention XXII Compasso d'oro ADI

References with product in use

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